Integration, hybrid pipeline LDS
Central part integration:
It is quite common, that a new implementation of PAS LDS at the top level (visualization) is integrated into existing SCADA or DCS systems. The interface can be Modbus TCP, OPC or other standard network protocol. LDS central station shares the detected leak information consisting of:
- leak presence
- leak location (distance from the beginning of the pipeline section)
- leak opening time (when the leak had started)
- leak duration (if closed after while or remains permanent)
- if implemented, also the scrapper location is provided
- all relevant information about current pipeline topology is read from SCADA/DCS (eg. valve positions)
Hybrid pipeline LDS:
It is also quite a good practice to integrate our NPW LDS with another LDS, based on different detection method like RTTM or other, API 1130 compliant. Such so called hybrid system is reaching even better results in wider scope of possible leak scenarios.
Measurement stations integration:
Our measurement stations can cooperate with SCADA/DCS stations locally. Interfaces into local SCDA/DCS stations can be OPC, Modbus, other communication or signal based protocol.
LDS measurement station can provide:
- current pressure
- accurate time (NTP)
- various optional information
- control functions